
Finally get my salary :P

刚拿到我新鲜滚热辣的薪水 heehee =D
买了 :月饼,灯笼,宝宝衣服
本来是要去SEED买衣服给鼻的,但是不懂他喜欢那个款式,惟有带他本人去买,免得做了不惊喜的惊喜 XD
才短短2天没去,就已经睡不惯了,但是他反而很快睡着,还要抱得我紧紧地,他说:很久没抱你睡觉了(actually two days onlyy..)
有个疯子,来个偶像剧剧情 - 背女主角
哈哈哈哈哈,应该知道谁是那愿意配合的疯子吧? ;P
got video , teehee XD
突然想回家乡 近近地rawang罢了,哈哈
想回去放松下自己,跟我亲爱的儿子玩 =))
i already treat binbin like my son , hehe
he's cuteeee , i love him !!
maybe i'll wear a white dress when prinky's wedding
i already aim a target at the curve d flea market , haha
but bii said : u're short , how u wear it ?
what the heck ..
whatever ~ i'm not the bride on that day .